
The Most Interesting Places in Brisbane - Australia - Of course, you should visit these most interesting places when you are traveling in Brisbane, Australia.

Brisbane is one of the major cities in Australia, located on the east side of the continent. It is approximately a one-and-a-half-hour flight from Sydney, which is the international airport for Australia.

As the capital city of Queensland, Brisbane is known for its cleanliness and tidiness. The traffic is very calm and comfortable.

The city is intersected by the Brisbane River, which flows into the sea on the eastern side. Besides serving as a transportation route, the river is also a popular tourist attraction.

Brisbane boasts a pleasant climate with fresh air, making it enjoyable for tourists, especially those coming from tropical countries.

The same was true for us when we visited Brisbane for a short course that lasted a couple of weeks. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay.

The short course we attended was part of the Australia Award Indonesia program.
About the course: Mengikuti Kursus Singkat "Better Climate Services" Melalui Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI)

The short study in which we participated not only provided knowledge related to the study's topic but also offered us deeper insights into Australian culture.

Here is a video showcasing our journey as participants of the short course from Australia Award Indonesia.

We spent approximately nine days in Brisbane, staying at the Quest River Apartment, situated in the city's vibrant heart.
The story in Bahasa: Mondok di Quest River Apartment Brisbane - Australia

Upon our arrival, our welfare officer kindly took us on a city tour, highlighting the most captivating attractions that are frequented by tourists.

In addition, he showed us some essential locations, such as nearby ATM counters close to our apartment and the nearest minimarket to cater to our daily necessities during our stay.

Now, I would like to share with you a few intriguing places that will enhance your travel experience in Brisbane.

The Most Interesting Place in Brisbane - Australia

1. Brisbane City Hall

Brisbane City Hall
In front of Brisbane City Hall

It is located in the heart of Brisbane, at the center of King George Square. People say that Brisbane City Hall is the perfect place for us to explore Brisbane's history.

Brisbane City Hall is a heritage building and serves as the seat of the city council. With its tower, it stands as one of the tallest buildings in Brisbane.
Brisbane City Hall
Pose with the background is the tower

2. South Bank Parklands

South Bank Parklands
The synthetic sandy beach

South Bank Parklands is an area located across the Brisbane River. In this area, there are some beautiful spots like Arbour Walk, the big wheel, street beach, and the amazing lagoon in the River pool.
South Bank Parklands
Big wheel

The River pool has a synthetic sandy beach like in the sea. It separated with a tropical lagoon where the boat pool on the other side. 
South Bank Parklands
The pool view with the lagoon is on the right side

On the other side of South Bank Parklands, we can enjoy walking in the area with a unique canopy. It called as Arbour Walk.
South Bank Parklands
Arbour walk as a part of South Bank Parkland 

3. Victoria Bridge

Victoria Bridge is connecting the City on the north side and the South Bank in the opposite of the city over the Brisbane River. The length is about 300 meters.
Victoria Bridge
Victoria Bridge viewed from the south side of the river

The bridge completed by the pedestrian area on both sides. We can stop and take some pictures in this area. The view around the city looks awesome from the bridge
Victoria Bridge
The view of a side of Brisbane from Victoria Bridge, you could ignore the men😁.

4. Eagle Street Pier Ferry Terminal

It is a simple ferry wharf on the Brisbane River. The ferry served by various passenger boat lines likes to Kangaroo Point.
Eagle Street Pier Ferry Terminal
The beauty of buildings in Brisbane behind the ferry terminal

The ferry terminal related to the pedestrian area in the riverbank. Certainly, the atmosphere is interesting for taking some selfies.
Victoria Bridge
Sometimes background natural beauty is blocked by people 😉😉😉

5. Brisbane City Botanic Gardens

Located in the tongue of Brisbane City to the river. A center park surrounded by trees and various flowers.
Brisbane City Botanic Gardens
Euforia in an interesting place in Brisbane

When we walk to the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) from the City, we can across the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens as a shortcut.

Brisbane City Botanic Gardens
I don't know why we were taking pose like a football team

On the west side of the garden, there is a jogging track following the riverside. In the afternoon this part will be crowded with the people who want to exercise.

6. Kangaroo Point

This is a romantic place to enjoy the sunset. Located on the east side of the center of Brisbane City across the Brisbane River.
Kangaroo Point
A moment when the sunset arrived

Some people said that Kangaroo Point is a perfect place for travelers who want peace and quiet but still want to be close to the city.

Kangaroo Point
No need caption 😉

7. Queensland Parliament

Queensland Parliament
In front of the Queensland Parliament Building

The Queensland Parliament is situated at the intersection of George and Alice Streets, making it conveniently accessible from Brisbane city center by foot.

Adjacent to the building lies the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens, as previously mentioned, with QUT positioned to its right.

What sets the Queensland Parliament building apart is its captivating and timeless architectural style reminiscent of medieval European structures.

8. China Town

For us who come from an Asian country, we could hunt for herbs and spices here. The China town located about 2 kilometers to the north of the City.
China Town
After hunting spices for 14-day logistic

This area is nuanced in China even the street signs in the area are written in both English and Chinese. 
China Town
The street signs in China Town

The China Town in Brisbane is also home to many restaurants offering Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese cuisines.


  1. I have to cancel my plan to Brisbane next June due to this corona outbreak. It's sad but I have to make a good decision. Maybe I will re-planning my trip next year. I hope everything's okay. Aamiin :)

  2. Pleasant overseas trip. It's a vacation and work? Ok, take care of your health condition. Especially now It's a Corona outbreak

  3. OMG. How lucky you are. Come to aussi to study and traveling... 😎 It would be great experience.

  4. paling suak lihata rsitektur bangunan , banyak yang megah, unik dan banyak lagi

  5. Suka banget sm bangunannya keren2.. apalagi china town kayanya seru abiz ya

  6. Saya paling senang kalau yang ada bebungaannya bang, biasa wanita kan memang suka bunga
    Apalagi yang bunga khas iklim subtropis, berasa kayak di dongeng2
    Tapi yang china townnya juga suka, soalnya merah meriah

  7. Actually i'am not interested, becaus i'am have no money and i have no life, wkwk but someday i can go to bribane autralia like you...

  8. Tempat yang sempurna ,rapi dan bersih

  9. wah great place and view in Aussie.. keren bang :D ketemu suku aborigin juga tuh bang?

  10. Menarik juga yaa bangunan dinegri kangguru ini..Namun meski begitu Australia rawan binatang buas atau hewan liar yang bang..😊

    1. Mau di karantina di Australia lagi Kang? hahaha

  11. wow, the first time i reading your english post..its cool, i think i must learn to write post with english same with you hahaha but i feel my english so bad LOL ...congratulation Bang

  12. I want to visit some countries if it's possible, to see the cultures, the people, and also the clean river. In my city, the river is never clean and sad.

  13. Brisbane be one of the place that I wanna visit last year, I have asked about how to get Visa there but unluckily I have no opportunity to get there til 2020 because I was planning somewhere else.

    These place are nice and well known.

  14. wah kolam renangnya bagus banget, pengen langsung nyemplung aja bawaanaya, tapi sayangnya gak bisa berenag :D

  15. Amankah disana bang Day, bukankah disana sama jg seperti kita disini, bahkan aktor kyk Tom Hank and istri jg udh positif saat hbs syuting di Australi... Smg aman dan kondisi yg baik.. Sehat selaluuu

  16. Australia emang cantik banget yah tempatnya, sholawatin aja dulu deh mana tau someday saya bisa berlibur ke sana sama keluarga :)

  17. I like it, your story is fun and happy...
    Next time i'll be there

  18. Saya mah kalau baca tentang Australia jadi ingat Acha Septriasa hahaha.
    Saya dulu follow akun IGnya, suka ngikutin sejak dia hamil, usia anaknya beda 2 mingguan dengan anak saya.

    Terus mereka sering share jalan-jalan ke tempat-tempat di atas.
    Kan jadi pengen ke sana, meski nanti sih, sekarang amannya ngendon di rumah :D

  19. Nice place. Kena menabung dulu baru dapat ke sini.

  20. Seru banget nih pengalaman di tempat superb beginian.
    Dengan kondisi saat ini, tempat tempat indah sepertinya lebih enakan buat selfie.

  21. Big Wheelnya wow, jadi ingin naik, hehehe. Bangunannya mengagumkan, bisa membuat kepala geleng-geleng takjub.

  22. Bagus banget, Bang, pemandangannya. Kotanya pun bersih. Udaranya juga bersih. Gak macet pula. Jadi pengen main ke sana juga deh. Eh, tapi masih ada pandemi global. Masih bahaya kalau buat traveling. 😭

  23. Semuanya bagusss tempat-tempatnya ya, Bang. Tapi yang paling cetar ya foto pertama, warnanya asyik. Hehehe.
    Btw ada makanan Indonesia juga ya di sana, bisa jadi pilihan kalau belum berani nyobain makanan khas sana, atau ragu kehalalannya :)

  24. kota modern dengan bangunan klasiknya masih dipelihara…

    Thank you for sharing beautiful photos

  25. noted
    barangkali ada kesempatan ke brisbane hehehe
    suka nih liat suatu kota yang dikelilingi gedung gedung pencakar langit kayak gini, kalo malem terliat lebih nyala dengan lampu lampunya

  26. semoga selepas berakhirnya covid 19 sy berpeluang untuk menjejakkan kaki ke sini...aminnnn

  27. Ini mah mantap betul bang... Bekerja sekalian jalan-jalan. Ayo vlog-nya dibanyakin lagi... Biar saya bisa jalan-jalan ke luar negeri lewat bang day...


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