
Once Upon A Time at the beach of Rhine River Bank in Netherland - Once Upon A Time at the beach of Rhine River Bank in Netherland. Actually, this is an old story. Many years ago I visited Netherland as a participant in a short course.

Time goes fast. Last day I succeeded to open my old harddisk. The harddisk was in my broken laptop. 

I found many photos collection that I archived since 2006. Included some photos when I visited Netherland. I focused on some photos at the Rhine River Beach. I thought it was a wonderful moment.

The story began when my 19 colleagues and I were selected to follow a short course in Netherland. The topic of the course was about climate change.
The participants of Stunned Short Course of Climate Change

The selection was a long process. It was for about one year. Until we forgot that we had applied for the course. We applied for the climate change course in April 2011 and flew to Netherland the next April. 

Stunned Neso was the sponsor of the course. They have a list of institutions in Indonesia who can apply for their program. There are some programs that they offer to the Indonesian civil servants every year.

So by this course, that was my first journey abroad. The first time I had a passport. Yeaaaa 😊😊😊.
The other course:

Our climate change short course based in Wageningen. A small city located about 90 km to the south-east of Amsterdam. We would have stayed there for about one month.

Wageningen is a beautiful place. There are many trees around it. Its atmosphere looks like in a village in Indonesia. Of course, Wageningen is more modern than villages in Indonesia. 
Side of Wageningen, behind of Hotel Hof Van Wageningen

The beauty of Wageningen is completed with Rhine River that flows near the city. From someplace, we can enjoy the view of the river. 
The Rhine River views from Belmonte Arboretum Wageningen

Back in our course, it consisted of class sessions and excursion sessions by visiting some places. The class session was in a meeting room in Hotel Hof van Wageningen where we stayed.

The excursion session took by visiting some institutions and some sites related to the course topic. Mostly every Saturday.

I want to write about an excursion moment when we visited a site in Millangen, about 40 km from Wageningen.  The site name is Millingerwaard. Located near the border between Netherland and Germany.

So, we could see the Germany's land only a few meters across the street to the site.

Millingerwaard which located at delta of Rhine River in Netherland

We saw some trees which lived many years ago. It can be a piece of information about the past climate. By comparing it with the recent climate, the result is climate change information. 

From the bus park, we should walk to the site. We walked across the Rhine River bank. Although only a  river, it has wonderful sand. It looks like the sand at the beach. 

When we crossed, it was also seen several ships crossing the Rhine River. We didn't know what kind of ships. We supposed one of them might be a tour boat. 
A ship in  the Rhine River

The Rhine itself flows from the Alps in Switzerland which then flows through Germany with its mouth in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  

The Dutch name for Rhine is "Rijn". Based on Wikipedia, it mentioned that when crossing the border into the Netherlands the Rhine is at its widest. 

The rhine river then splits into three main distributaries, they are Waal, Nederrijn ("Nether Rhine") and IJssel.

Its length is about 1.230 km. Therefore the Rhine River is also a busy transportation route for most countries in Europe.

The wonderful sand at Rhine River bank made me want to wait for sunset here. I thought it would be a memorable sunset. 
About sunset (in Bahasa):

Enjoying the beach of Rhine River

What should we do, we were locked by a tight schedule. At 05.30 pm we started to go back to Wageningen. Left an opportunity to enjoy the sunset in the Rhine River Bank.


  1. Senang rasanya bisa menginjakkan kaki di banyak negara.. Tidak hanya pengalaman yang didapatkan, pengetahuan akan dunia luas juga tak luput terdapatkan..

    For long time, i want to go at the beach.. With a cup of coffe and sit at the chair, looking at the beautiful sunset..

    1. Alhamdulillah broHabir, dipercaya bos buat ke sana.

      Betul tuh secangkir kopi pasti nikmat sekali di sela menanti sunset

  2. Sudah sering dengar yg namanya wagenigen bang, kebetulan kakak kls byk yg ambil mastir di walandi alias belanda
    Ternyata cukup bagus ya, apalagi naik kpaal pesiar serasa di film2 holiwud

    1. Iya mba, Belanda salah satu negara tujuan pelajar Indonesia. Selama di sana sering skali bertemu2 saudara se tanah air yang sedang merantau

  3. ketika ini masih jomblo lagi ke mas? hahahahaha

    1. Jomblo lokal Cik... kalo dah balek tanah air dah lepas dari jomblo:)

    2. Hahaha.. hanya puasa 30 hari Cik

    3. kalau setahun pun apa salahnya hahahaha (puasa 6 syawal)

  4. sy tak sempat singgah sungai Rhine di Belanda tapi sy sempat meninjau sungai Rhine di Cologne 2 tahun lepas....

    1. Mantap Cik.. saya udah baca barusan. Foto2nya keren sangat

  5. Wageningen itu kampungnya Keenan. Bapaknya orang sini.

  6. gw gak begitu paham bhs inggris, tapi dari cerita yg gw pahami, bang day nemuin poto lama yg kesimpen di hardisk, ngingetin saat di netherland, bukan begitu bang critanya :D

    1. Ya ya begitu mas Khanif. Saya jg gak ngerti versi enlish ini. Saya tulis pake bahasa Indonesia trs pake google trnslet :D

  7. Beautiful place with beautiful nature. Love the green view :)

    1. Big deal Cik, a beautiful place

    2. Ya, benar sekali. Close to nature and feel calm automatically :)

  8. Ternyata mengenali iklim bukan cuma dari belajar keadaan udara, ya. Tapi tumbuh2an juga

    1. Iya mba, utamanya pohon dari lingkaran dalam batangnya bisa diprediksi usianya dana kandungan karbon saat itu

  9. Pengalamannya seru ya mas, pemandangannya nggak kalah dengan negeri kita. Semoga saya punya kesempatan untuk menuntut ilmu sekaligus melancong ke negara tetangga hehe

    1. Aamiiin mba. Banyak jalan bisa ke sana. Salah satunya apply short course

  10. Saya cuma menikmati gambarnya saja mas, soalnya ngak pandai bahasa Inggris.hahahah....

    Eee,,perahunya gede banget yah.....?

    1. Hmm trs blog english kang Nata apa artinya :D

      baiklah soal boat, segera diedit hehehe

  11. Sekilas view pantainya seperti di indo ya bang, belanda yg saya tau ada bunga tulip sama kincir anginnya hehe

  12. Kampungnya orang Belanda kelihatan modern, indah, bersih dan asri ya, bang. Andai semua kampung-kampung di indonesia macam itu semua. Hehe.

  13. Such an amazing place

    Mau juga kesana hua hua hua

    Apa daya belum ada kesempatan
    Keluar negri belum pernah sama sekali hahaha
    yg dekat2 aja belum pernah juga
    Mudah2an bekesempatan ke sana suat hariii

  14. Indah sekali ya, iya mirip kaya di indonesia saja
    Pepohonan masih mudah dijumpai

  15. Waduh bahasa inggris, agak belepotan bacanya. Untung ngerti, jadi tahu deh :D

  16. awesome moment make a something to remember in netherland, kalimat pembukanya bang seakan membawa aku membaca legenda atau dongeng jaman dulu

  17. sangat senang pastinya bisa menginjakkan kaki di banyak negara dengan keindahan yang tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Semangat terus bang jalan-jalannya eh kerja sambil jalan-jalan ding

  18. Bang, kasih widget translate dong, biar saya yang kemampuan bahasa enggresnya yes or no aja ini bisa lebih mudah mengartikan tulisannya hahahaha

  19. Mau ngoment apa ya Bang! Tapi foto2 nya bagus bang.

  20. kalau di luar neger, sungai aja dilewati kapal sebagus itu ya
    di indo yang dilewati kapal segede itu cuman penyeberangan antar selat
    ini nih yang bikin nyaman pakai transportasi umum kalau ke LN ya

  21. Lain kali kalo kesana ngajak-ngajak ya bang!
    Ga bisa komen lain. Tapi aku tau artikel abang bermutu. Bravo


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