- A Wonderful "Hari Batik Nasional" in Brisbane Australia.
One year ago, during my training in Australia, we also celebrated Hari Batik Nasional. On that day, which was October 2nd, we wore batik attire in class and during a formal lunch.
The training focused on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, which were directly relevant to our tasks in our respective institutions. The participants were public servants from Indonesia, including BMKG, KemenPUPR, and BNPB.
Please read: Mengikuti Kursus Singkat "Better Climate Services" Melalui Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI)
The Australian Awards Indonesia (AAI) sponsored the two-week training program, during which they carefully selected 25 participants from a pool of candidates proposed by their respective institutions. Below is a video showcasing our training experience.
The training was held in 4 cities in Australia, they were Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney. Brisbane was the main city for the training. We were in Brisbane for about eight days. After that, we moved to the other cities, 1 day in Melbourne, 2 days in Canberra and the two last days in Sydney.
Before departing for Australia, the AAI coordinator briefed us on all the rules, including the dress code. We were allowed to wear casual attire during the class sessions.
Baca juga:
- Menelusuri Jejak Portugis di Baucau Timor Leste
- Eksistensi Pemerintahan Buol Mulai Sebagai Afdeling Belanda Hingga Otonomi Daerah Era Reformasi
- 5 Hal Menyenangkan Berburu Oleh-oleh di Grand Bazaar Istanbul Turki
- Keindahan Ngarai Sianok dari Puncak Jenjang Saribu Bukittinggi - Sumatera Barat
- 10 Fakta Menarik Tentang Timor Leste Setelah Memisahkan Diri dari Indonesia
Additionally, we were required to bring formal attire for formal meetings. Being Indonesians, we also made sure to prepare Batik outfits for informal occasions.
On October 2nd, which coincided with Hari Batik Nasional, we collectively decided to wear Batik throughout the day.
As usual, we walked to the class. To reach Queensland University of Technology (QUT), where the classes were held, we had to pass through Brisbane City Botanic Garden. This city park was situated between our apartment and QUT.
We took some pictures in the park, showcasing our Batik style. There was a sense of pride in wearing Batik in a different country.
The class on that day concluded at midday, as we were required to attend a formal lunch with our training partner in AAI, Queensland University of Technology (QUT). It was a fortunate coincidence that we happened to be wearing Batik attire to celebrate Hari Batik Nasional during the formal lunch.
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Formal lunch while wore batik in the wonderful Hari Batik Nasional |
Please read: Manfaat Menghadiri Networking Dinner
After the formal lunch, our AAI partner invited us to witness a traditional Australian dance performance at QUT Garden Point. The dance was presented by Aboriginal Elders and Dancers.
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With the Australian traditional dancer |
What a wonderful day it was, celebrating Hari Batik Nasional in another country with various activities. Regarding the AAI training, you have the opportunity to join the next program. Please visit:
what about this year bang dimana merayakan hari batiknya
BalasHapusthis year I celebrated it in police office :)
HapusLah kok di kantor polisi, ngurus apaan bang?
Hapusngurus SKCK mba hehehe
Hapusbagus ada usaha seperti ini. di malaysia, government officers setiap hari Khamis wajib bakai baju batik. rasanya dah lebih 10 tahun mereka buat peraturan seperti ini. manakala private sector pula diberi kelonggaran sama ada mahu memakainya atau sebaliknya.
BalasHapusYa dengan dukungan pemerintah ikut mendorong menggunakan seragam khas budaya kita baik ut kelestarian budaya kita yah
Hapusp/s mas, tolong beri HP number atau email. penghantaran hadiah mungkin sedikit lewat. harap bersabar ya mas...
BalasHapusBaik Cik, sudah saya kirim kan yah. Trims giftnya :)
HapusJalan-jalan teross bang day
BalasHapusah arsip tahun lalu mas :)
Hapuslook colorful and amazing....
BalasHapusTrims mas Tanza.. di US gmn saat hari batik nih?
HapusFabulous batik, so stunning!
BalasHapusThanks mba. How about in us?
HapusNice experienced to celebrate hari batik nasional
BalasHapusA pride moment for me.
HapusThanks for the visiting
Membanggakan sekali ya Bang bisa merayakan Hari Batik di negara lain. Apalagi bisa kompakan gitu pake semua. Batiknya bagus-bagus pula :)
BalasHapusakupun kalo pake batik saat sedang travelign itu rasanya beda loh. kayaaak banggaa banget bisa nunjukin salah satu kain identitas indonesia ke orang2 di luar. tapi pernah yaa ada 1 kejadian lucu pas suami pake batik tp dengan tambahan logo Liverpool pas ke Malaysia. Ada org malaysia yg nanya, itu baju beli di mana :p. dan dia hrs mengakui kalo batik indonesia lbh bgs drpd batik mereka :D. ternyata dia fans liverpool juga
BalasHapuswahhh..kerenn nihh.kita lestarikan budaya batik nasional
BalasHapusBerada di luar negeri, mengingatkan Indonesia dengan batik ya
BalasHapusBTW ini keren banget materi training-nya di sana: Big Data and Artificial Intelligent .... wow .... sepertinya menarik :)
seru banget, ya. walau di luar negeri tetep bisa beramai-ramai pakai batik
BalasHapusWah mantap ni Bang, memperkenalkan pakaian batik di negeri orang, turut bangga karena saya juga salah seorang pecinta batik dari dulu sampai sekarang :)