- A Freezing Night in the Adina Apartment in Canberra. The third city in Australia that we visited during our short course was Canberra.
We Arrived in Canberra at about 7.30 pm. When we walked out of the airport and climbed up the bus, we felt the wind was very cold, although all of us had worn our jackets at that time.
I checked the weather condition using a mobile app and it pointed out that the temperature was 10 °C. Wow, it was an unusual environment for us who came from the tropical region, Indonesia.
Absolutely, it felt like the weather has reached a freezing level and it has just gotten worse because of the light rain.
About the course, in Bahasa: Mengikuti Kursus Singkat "Better Climate Services" Melalui Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI)
The local committee who acted as our Welfare Officer, Mas Firman, then brought us to the apartment in the center of Canberra, Adina Apartment. It took around 15 minutes from the airport.
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In front of Adina Apartment in Canberra |
We would have stayed in the Adina Apartment until the following day. There were some agendas with our course where we had to do here. Other than the training practices in the class, we would get benchmarking to some of the Australian institutions.
The agendas during we stayed in Adina Apartment were visiting Australian Geoscience, Australian National University, and the Indonesian Embassy for Australia.
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In the Indonesian Embassy for Australia |
For our last night in Canberra, there would have a farewell dinner by the host of training. Also in the farewell dinner, we would receive our training certificate. It means that we had completed all of the training agenda.
The farewell party held in the Old Parliament Building. A famous historical building in Canberra.
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In front of the Canberra Old Parliament, before the farewell party |
Back to the cold evening story… I got the same room with my roommate as in the previous visiting to Brisbane and Melbourne. We were given two rooms. One of them has a bathroom.
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Bedroom in the Adina Apartment |
The previous story, in Bahasa:
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The bathroom |
The room in Adina Apartment looked like typical apartments in Australia. There was also a common room with the dining table in the center that furnished with a sofa, a flat TV and a shared bathroom.
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Common room and swimming pool in the Adina Apartment |
Baca juga:
- The Most Interesting Places in Brisbane - Australia
- Menikmati Sunset di Kangaroo Point Brisbane Australia
- Berkunjung Ke Taman Bunga Floriade Canberra - Australia
- Pengalaman Menginap di Hotel Pullman Central Park: Mewah, Strategis, tapi...
- Pengalaman Menginap di Hotel Mandarin Oriental Jakarta: View Bundaran HI yang Selalu Memikat
In our room, the kitchen was located on the right side across the shared bathroom. We could access the balcony through the shared room. From the balcony we could see the swimming pool for Adina's guests.
After dinner, there was no agenda. We should use the time to take a rest. We had spent a lot of our energy throughout the day.
In the morning before arrived in Canberra, we had visited the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) in Melbourne. We had listened to some of the presentations conducted by the BoM expert during the day.
After we were done at BoM, we took our luggage from Mantra Apartment in Melbourne and went to Canberra in the afternoon.
Can you imagine, on the previous day we had taken our dinner in Brisbane and got lunch in Melbourne. Then in the next evening when we should take dinner, we had been already in Canberra. In 24 hours we have eaten in the three different cities in Australia. What a busy day.
9 pm in the evening was still early for bed but my eyes were drooping, ready to close. At 11 pm, I suddenly woke up as I felt cool chill surrounding my skin. But there was no heater in my bedroom.
I double-checked the weather app and it showed 8 °C. I imagine that the morning weather would be much colder than this.
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The temperature was in the night and the next morning |
So I moved to the common room and decided to sleep on the sofa. The temperature of the air conditioner in front of the sofa was set to 30 °C. I thought it would make me warm but I still felt cold. I even covered my body with a blanket but it seems like it was not enough.
Just then, I saw there was a gap under the balcony door. I thought the cold air must have seeped in through the gap. So I placed a mat to close it.
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To block the cold air |
Not satisfied with it, I also wore socks to cover my feet. It was a really cold night in Canberra. As I have predicted earlier, the temperature in the morning was 6 °C.
When the morning came, by the WAG, my friends shared their picture when they swam in the Adina Apartment pool. They were crazy I thought. How they could swim while I had gotten a freezing night. But they were looked to be enjoying their swim.
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The happy buddy |
During the day, the temperature reached only 8 - 16 °C. It felt still cold so we wore jackets along the day. Then when we slept, blanket and socks should be worn too for the second freezing night.
The cold air did not avoid us to enjoy the time. After the class in the first afternoon, we walked to show the Canberra Floriade Flower Festival. Here the full story: Berkunjung Ke Taman Bunga Floriade Canberra - Australia.
Brrr! Put on many layers of cloths :)
BalasHapusWhen winter, how cold is in us mba?
HapusTidak kebayang betapa dinginnya. Disini suhu 28 saja sudah merinding bulu kuduk.
BalasHapusAda gedung DPR lama juga disana, kira-kira masih digunakan kagak ya
Masih mas tapi untuk yang lain, bukan untuk para anggota dewan lagi tentunya :)
HapusWah jarang update, mirip blog om koodok saja. Punya blog lebih dari satu memang sedikit menguras energi :D
Hapusiya nih mas, butuh tenaga ekstra hehehe
HapusI can imagine how cold it was.
BalasHapusNow is October,..Is it spring in Australia?
Yeah, mas Aris has felt it.
HapusWe didn't know why Canberra was colder than Brisbane.
Cant imagine how cold the temperature is. psti dingin banget tuh, di Indo aja malem-malem aja udah dingin banget, apalagi sampe 6 derajat.. uuuu kudu sedia banyak baju hangat deh dan merhatiin cuaca negara yang bakal kita tuju kalo ke luar negeri ya mas
BalasHapusUntuk rata2 org indonesia 18 derajat saja udah dingin. Jaket, sarung tangan dan kaos kaki jadi wajib mas hehehe
HapusAbang kandung nenek ku orang Australia tinggal di Sidney. Kata mama dunia sekarang tidak ubahnya spt kampung kecil diatas bundaran glove 🌐 😁
BalasHapusWah keren pny keturunan org sono. Iya jadi gak seperti kata pepatah yah, hanya selebar daun kelor sekarang
HapusBaca nya ngeri ngeri sedap bang.. grammarnya dah tingkat dewa hahaha.. btw kapan coba nyoba winter disana.. kayanya asyik yaa
BalasHapusPsst... ada mentornya yg review.
HapusWah kayaknya gk deh klo pas winter:)
Keren abis bang, udah terbang ke benua sebelah, titip salam buat hangaroo n koala aja deh saia hihihi
BalasHapusBtw apartemennya bagus, iyalah negara majuuuu
Ada postingan sendiri ma koala mba ;)
HapusKalo dingin berendam gitu, jadi hangat ya? Oh itu kolam air hangat.
BalasHapusLupa nanya klo itu kolam hangat hehehe
HapusI can imagine 6 or 8 degree, Duingin puool. Musim kemarau daerah Bromo suhunya seperti itu. Tengah hari pakai jaket tebal, begitu ke daerah kayak salah kostum, hahaha. Dalam 24 jam bisa pindah 3 kota, saluuut.
BalasHapusKemaren sempat viral yah suhu dingin Bromo yang katanya kayak Dieng jg. Pastinya abis dari Bromo tanpa lepas jaket ya diliatin orang2 deh
HapusOh My God, beku gak tuh???
BalasHapusHampir mba 😁
HapusWhat a busy day ya bang. Too much different weather in here Jakarta. Panas sekali di jakarta
BalasHapusJakarta adem kok mas kalo dalam mall atau dalam bilik atm hehehe
Hapusjadi ngirijalan2nya ke luar negeri terus hehehehehehe
BalasHapusCoba apply mas ke website Australia Award Indonesia
Hapusmau omen pakai b.inggris bingung hahaha.btw dingin banget yaa...sampai dipasang gitu di pintu ya.bagus juga :)
BalasHapustapi dingin2..msh sanggup pada berenang yaa.alhamdulillah asikk bgt..
HapusNah itu herannya, pagi2 kok udah berendam aja. Padahal malamnya sampe ngilu2
Hapussound great place to visit
BalasHapusAlhamdulillah kesampaian mas
Hapusnjiiiiiiir, dinginnya kerasa parah sih pasti ya ._.
BalasHapusiya parah banget mas
Hapusjangankan 10 drajat, AC di setel 25 derajat aja sudah pake selimut klo di kamar ..
BalasHapusSama mas, kalo lagi ada acara di hotel, AC di kamar kadang kami matikan kalo mau tidur
HapusDulu saya kira australi itu sama kayak indonesia gak terlalu dingin dan gak ada musim dinginnya taunya ada juga ya, mungkin dulu waktu sd pas pelajaran geografi saya tidur wkwk
BalasHapusMungkin lagi ke toilet aja waktu itu mba hehehe
HapusBerasa masuk dalam lemari pendingin / kulkas yakk... Itu temen" kok msh sanggup ya pada berenang ato berendem hi hi... Semoga kursusnya berjalan lancar dan sukses selalu
BalasHapusKursusnya udah selesai mba Heni, tepat setahun lalu :)
Hapusbayangkan cuaca begitu dan dalam berselimut dalam selimut tebal hotel warrghhhhh hahahaha
BalasHapusBisa tidur pulas yah Cik
HapusBang Day, You have interesting life. Hope someday, I got good position & wonderful journey like you. Visiting some cities in abroad. OZ is the one of my bucket list.
BalasHapus..and I'm happy, I found indonesian blogger who write in english since I'm newbie english learner. lol.
Hi admin. Thank you for visiting and comment here.
HapusI hope someday you would realize all of your wishing list
Seronok ya dapat jejak ke Aussie. Cuaca sejuk sangat berbeza di Asia.