- A flashback story when carrying out an official duty in Singapore. Twice a year an Asean Climate Forum is held, called the Asean Climate Outlook Forum or Aseancof. (Photo above credit to Raizan)
The host of the Aseancof takes turns every year, which is certainly a country among ASEAN members. The participants are climate forecasters from Asean countries.
In each Aseancof, climate and environmental experts from other continents such as Europe, America, and Australia are also invited.
In 2015 I was assigned to attend Aseancof, the first meeting was in Indonesia and the second meeting was in Singapore. My Indonesian colleague was mas Arif, a senior climatologist from Jambi joint with me to the first dan second meeting.
When we attended the second meeting, we arrived with a different flight because I departed from Lombok. We met at Changi airport and took a sharing taxi to Concorde Hotel at Orchard Road.
When we attended the second meeting, we arrived with a different flight because I departed from Lombok. We met at Changi airport and took a sharing taxi to Concorde Hotel at Orchard Road.
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With Mr. Arif, climate expert from Jambi |
The committee had booked the Concorde hotel for us. So for four days, we stayed at the hotel with the other participant of Aseancof.
Here I share my experience attending the forum in Singapore. In Bahasa, you may check here: Tugas Negara sambil Wisata di Singapura
Training, Meeting, and Presentation
Back to the meeting. Aseancof activities in Singapore were divided into two sessions. The first session was a training on climate prediction modeling.
The instructors were climate experts from Korea and from America. The training was held in ERC Institute building, about 1 kilometer from Concorde Hotel.
On the first day, after the course, we went back to the hotel by walking. We passed some of the popular venues of Singapore like The Istana, the Cathay and Plaza Singapore.
Actually, the committee kindly served a bus for us. However, we wanted to enjoy the view so we decided to walk.
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Dr. Kim, the training instructor |
I had made a resume based on Dr. Kim presentation in Bahasa. You may check here: BSISO sebagai salah satu mode variabilitas iklim
On the first day, after the course, we went back to the hotel by walking. We passed some of the popular venues of Singapore like The Istana, the Cathay and Plaza Singapore.
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Walking session :) |
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With the participant from Myanmar (left) and Laos (right) in front of Plaza Singapura |
Actually, the committee kindly served a bus for us. However, we wanted to enjoy the view so we decided to walk.
The second session was a two–day presentation on climate forecast for the following 3-6 months for the Asean region. Speakers representing each Asean countries were called local experts. This second session was held at the CCRS building.
I got a turn to the presentation on the third day. Actually, I had prepared a small note before and I would read it along with the presentation.
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my glasses so the note was useless. Then I explained my contents by mixing English and "Tarzan" language. I hope the audience could reach what I said😁😁😁.
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- Pengalaman Menginap di Hotel Mandarin Oriental Jakarta: View Bundaran HI yang Selalu Memikat
- Samsung Galaxy A15: Teman Setia Si Aktivis Digital
- Ngobrol dengan ChatGPT: Membuat Tab Menu Horizontal Murni HTML dan CSS Pada Blog
- Pengalaman Menjadi Dosen Melalui Platform Praktisi Mengajar
- Pusat Oleh-Oleh Bugis Street Singapura, Jejak Pelaut Bugis Di Tanah Melayu
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With the local experts from some Asean Country in the lobby of CCRS |
I got a turn to the presentation on the third day. Actually, I had prepared a small note before and I would read it along with the presentation.
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My turn presentation on the third day |
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my glasses so the note was useless. Then I explained my contents by mixing English and "Tarzan" language. I hope the audience could reach what I said😁😁😁.
As a comparison, there were also climate prediction results from other parts of world’s climate experts. In the 2015 Aseancof, the world climate expert speakers were from America (NOAA), Korea (KMA), Japan (JMA), Australia (BOM), India (IMD) and China (CMA).
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With the climate expert from IPB |
Besides climate experts, environmental practitioners and academics also attended the meeting. From Thailand, was an expert in the Thailand Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, while Indonesia was represented by my colleague. He was a climate expert from IPB.
As a host, Singapore is in charge of compiling the discussion results into the 2015 Asean Climate Forum agreement. The result please check here.
Usually, the funders of the Asean climate forums are USAid through NOAA. The participants from each Asean country pointed by its NMS in their country. as for the expert usually listed by NOAA and host.
Singapore meeting was the second training that I met Ms. Chalalai from Thailand. The first time we met in Istanbul for NOAA Training in 2014. When met in Singapore, she brought a Thailand T-Shirt to me that I used at the picture.
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One moment in the formal dinner that arranged by the host |
Downtown Tour
The tour arranged by ourselves. After dinner, sometimes we met accidentally with the other participants around the hotel.
In the last day, we dealt to visit some popular place like Merlion Park. We took MRT to there.
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At MRT with Ms. Chalalai and Ms. Oh-eh. |
Singapore meeting was the second training that I met Ms. Chalalai from Thailand. The first time we met in Istanbul for NOAA Training in 2014. When met in Singapore, she brought a Thailand T-Shirt to me that I used at the picture.
Ms. Oh-eh had told to us about Nightly Laser & light show near the Merlion Park. We showed it first before we walked around the other nice spot.
I honestly have forgotten many things, such as when we took dinner that night with the others.
I only remember about a nice Durian ice cream but I lost its picture. Because it was on the last night, it would be the farewell ice cream.
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Nightly Laser & light show |
Before the moment, I visited "Bugis Street" with Arif. We bought some souvenir for our colleagues in Indonesia. The full story of Bugis Street, please check here: Pusat Oleh-Oleh Bugis Street Singapura, Jejak Pelaut Bugis Di Tanah Melayu.
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Bugis Street situation |
That's the story when I attended an official duty in Singapore. Some of the pictures taken from the committee documentation and from fb of Ms. Chalalai and Ms. Oh-eh.
Bugis street rame ya bang..
BalasHapusOh iya btw, ke singapura ini lewat batam ga?
Bang, di fyi aja.. he he he mungkin malah sudah tahu kali ya.. di batam banyak juga loh kaos-kaos, coklat2, gantungan kunci dari singapura..
Waktu itu langsung mb dari Lombok landing ke Changi.
HapusOh iya. Saya pernah ke batam bbrp bulan lalu. Di mallnya ada counter2 yg khsuus jualan produk2 Sin hehehe
Ngintip materi trainingnya langsung mendadak sakit kepala hahaha.
BalasHapusBerat banget bahasannya bang, keren dah mondar mandir mulu ke mana-mana, kerja sambil jalan-jalan :)
Kebetulan lagi dipercaya bos2 mba :)
HapusPaling enak memang tugas ke LN disambi dengan jalan2 sejenak buat melepas stres terus bisa menambah pertemanan juga asik bgt dah :D
BalasHapusIya mba. Menambah pertemanan. Saya jadi pny banyak teman dari berbagai belahan dunia
Hapussambil bekerja, cari peluang untuk merehatkan minda dengan berjalan2
BalasHapusIya Cik... cuman bisa malam untuk berjalan2
Hapustak apa. kerja harus diutamakan...
HapusSy bolak balik ke Singapore boro boro belajar, cuma bikin kantong robek! Ini bang day sungguh BIG DEAL!
BalasHapusMantap sekali. Jadi ngiri
Wah kami jg ngirit mas dsri uang saku biar bisa baqa ole2 heheh
HapusMau komentar soal Forum-nya, nggak ngerti jargonnya. Wahaha ... Tapi pasti seru ya, jalan-jalan dengan teman dari berbagai negara. Apalagi Singapura adalah negara yang aman, jadi semua orang dari berbagai bangsa merasa aman jalan-jalan di situ. Tapi saya penasaran. Pembicara dari masing-masing negara ASEAN disebut Local Expert. Kalau dari luar ASEAN? Foreign Expert? International Expert? Atau Loaned Expert? Atau Alien Expert? :D :D
BalasHapusLumayan mb nambah teman dari bbrp negara pada berbagai benua :)
HapusHehhe bisa aja alien expert :)
Istilah local expert merujuk pada mereka yg lebih menguasai data negara masing.
Pembicara lainnya krn berbicara data global jadinya the experts :)
Hahaha... cuma penasaran aja dengan pengelompokkan experts di situ. Soalnya, istilah local dan international kadang-kadang membuat salah satu terasa lebih superior kan. Tapi kalau istilahnya local dan foreign/loaned, nggak masalah karena cuma menunjukkan asal saja. Alien kan istilah umum juga. Sting kan alien in New York. Hehehe...
HapusIt was great experience, Bang Day. And I think the best part is about durian ice cream hehe
BalasHapushHowever, there was no pic about it.
HapusSo you can say that it was hoax.. 😁😁😁🤣
Awesome experiences!
BalasHapusLove to meet experts from around the world.
No doubt. An amazing story in my life :)
HapusKerenn yaa bang Day... Ketemu berbagai ahli dr berbagai negara... Bisa sekalian nyicipin es krim durian jg... Sy pusing bc nya pk english wk wk wk..maklummm 😁
BalasHapusIya mba, beberapa masih berkomunikasi dengan baik. Lumayan nambah2 belajar english bagi saya hehehe. Eh kan ada versi bahasa Indonesianya mba Heni :)
HapusImagining myself in the class, belum ada 15 menit kepalaku mungkin sudah terantuk haha. Dasar tukang tidur. Seru ya ketemu banyak kenalan baru dari berbagai negara. You are living a very good life, congrats on that :)
BalasHapusYa mungkin salah satu bagian yang paling berharga bagi saya adalah mendapat kenalan2 tersebut.
HapusAh lebai mb Ran nih, there is no perfect life in the world :D
Koleganya keren Bang, climate expert from IPB. 😄.
BalasHapusWaktu baca While Indonesia was represented, saya pikir by me eh ternyata bukan. Hehehe. Tetap semangat bekerja dan jalan-jalan.
Pengennya juga, apa daya kami hanya kasta local expert aja heheheh.
HapusBtw kmn aja nih bu guru baru keliatan
kerja iya jalan-jalan iya...
BalasHapusmantap bang..
ingat sambil rekam video ya, buat youtube...
Belum pny waktu Bli Eka ut jd yutuber hehehe
HapusJust walk if we wants to feel likes Singaporean ... as they been known for the fastest walker in this world hahaha.
BalasHapuswah baru tau saya hehehe. Yang saya alami sih mereka agak eksklusif :D
HapusMau komen tapi bhs inggris aku pas2an. Cuman ngerti soal bahasa tarzan gegara gak bw kacamata hehe
BalasHapusBTW kayaknya forum nya berat ya tapi semoga membawa manfaat buat bangsa #beratbebannya
Kalo english saya jg pas2n buktinya bikin contekan hehehe
Hapuspasti ada yang istimewa nih sampe bikin flashback story. semoga bukan akrena ms. oh-eh, ya? #Eh?
BalasHapusJangan suka menuduh yang benar mba wkwkkw
HapusWhat a nice official duty! Got more knowledge, met new people and enjoyed Durian ice cream
BalasHapusJust my lucky... my boss sent me to there hehehe
Hapusgreat experienced ...beautiful views
BalasHapusThank you mas Tanza
Hapusso lets say you was officially represent Indonesia for this conference? it was such a great thing, all the climate experts among Asian gather for discuss, training, and persentation.
BalasHapusi hope in the next conference u will be a trainer, good luck Mas Day :), and dont forget bring ur glasses next time hahah
Hehe Thanks bro. I had prepared for 2 weeks to be a presenter at the event. It helped me although I forgot the glasses. Yeah with a little tarzan's gesture :)
HapusMantap suhuku jalan jalan terus.. berat deh buat nyainginnya hahaha.. seneng liat jalan2 .. sukses terus bang day
BalasHapusAamiiin. Makasih Teh Vika. Smg sukses juga dengan bisnisnya di Bogor
HapusWah keren kak, mantaps!!! <3
BalasHapusTrims kanh Asep... gmn bisnis rumah makannya nih. Smg selalu ramai dan lancar yah
HapusBanyak yang didapat nih, jadinya banyak yang bisa dipelajari..
BalasHapusIya bang Ridsal, alhamdulillah dipercaya bos2 ikut acara demikian
HapusPengalaman berharga nih :) Ternyata sama ya, aku pun gak bisa hidup tanpa kacamata, hahaha. Dunia ngebluuuuur. Hebat juga kalian udah disediain bis malah jalan kaki. Dan aku setiap ke Singapura belum pernah lho ke Bugis Street ;)
BalasHapusKalo mb Indi mungkin kacamata minus yah, yang jauh blur. Nah kalo saya mata tua, jadi yang dekat yang blur. Makanya repot saat itu, contekan saya gak ke baca :)
HapusSaya mencari widgetr translitenya tak ada, jadi pening nih :)
BalasHapusTernyata diatas sendiri, wah mungkin akibat saya juga lupa pakai kacamata :)
HapusMarlion park itu, patung kepala singa itu kan ya
iya mas Djangkaru, foto di sana syarat diakui udah ke Sin apa belum :)
HapusWaah keren banget bang Day ! Semoga makin banyak kesempatan kayak gini didepan yaa :D
BalasHapusAamiiin. Trims mba. smg mba Laili jg demikian yah
HapusKapan ya bisa kerja sambil bisa jalan2 juga,,
BalasHapussekali merengkuh dayung 2 3 pulau terlampaui :D
Aih bukannya dah sering mas :)
HapusSeru nih, ketemu orang-orang keren.
BalasHapusSmg saya bisa ikutan jadi keren yah :0
HapusKeren bisa jalan2 ke singapura sambil kerja dan ketemu orang2 ahli lagi... Mantap om... Semoga bisa ke Singapura juga nanti :D
BalasHapusAamiin mba... sukses terus juga yah
Hapuswah sepertinya saya ketinggalan kereta. hehe... seru ya bang day bisa sambil halan-halan. semoga selalu berkah dan penuh pengalaman ya bang day, selalu dibagi ke kita yang enggak ikut ke singapore, hehe. Bang Day keren!!
BalasHapushalo bang day, apa kabar...he-he, sataa sempat terkejut karena baru buka kolom komentar tiba-tiba udah ada komen yang masuk ternyata komennya bang day, he-he, mantap untuk pengalamannya mas bisa keliling dunia apalagi singapura, negara kecil tapi kaya rata....jos
BalasHapusmantap pak... bisa jalan2 selalu
BalasHapuskereeen Bang Day... ngga bw 2 bulan tau-tau bang day udah go international aja meski flashback ke 2015 hehehe! aku bangga berkawan sama Bang Day!
BalasHapusAku komennya Bahasa Indonesia aja ya Mas...baca artikelnya in English jadi keder kwkwkw
BalasHapusJadi kacamatanya ketinggalan dimana? Kasihan presentasi tanpa kacamata, syukur lancar jaya yaa
Btw, aku pernah tinggal 6 bulan di Singapore jaman OJT saat kuliah 1998. Tinggal di daerah Eunos, magang di Suntec City
Komennya dalam bahasa saja ya Bang hihi
BalasHapusSeru kali ya kerjaan Bang Day ni, levelnya sudah internesyenel. Makin seru lah konten blognya. Makin sering mampir sini untuk baca 😎
Oiya, aku juga terinspirasi dari blog Abang ni krna pinter banget mengolah satu perjalanan jadi beberapa artikel. Masih harus belajar banyak aku nii 😀